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Psalm 119:10-11 With my whole heart I seek you; let me not
wander from your commandments! I have stored up your
word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Search My Heart O God

Psa 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
Psa 139:24 And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way. (NASB)

There is a burning desire in all of us to please God. Like a child looking up to his parents, we long for Him to know our heart and to lead us in the way of righteousness. God desires this from us and is there daily to remind us of His everlasting love.

Often we stray from His path and pursue our fleshly desires and sinful nature. The psalmist is crying out to God in verse 23, "search me, O God." May we also cry out to Him daily. "Lord, search my heart, help me to see the evil and hurtful ways that are stored deep within me. Help me to be cleansed from those ways and walk in the way of righteousness."

When the hurtful ways of our heart are exposed, there can be a wake of pain and sorrow left behind us. People we love can often times be hurt or left disappointed from our actions and behaviors. The first step to reconcile relationships is to ask God to search our heart and expose those things that we do that hurt the people we come into contact with. God wants us to walk in a way as to not offend and hurt others, but many times we don't even realize our heart is wicked. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that... "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?"

We may think that our heart is full of goodness, but we are deceiving ourselves. Look to God to open your heart today and expose the things that need to be worked on. If you have offended someone, ask them for forgiveness. If you have cheated someone, repay them. If you have hurt someone with your unkind words, tell them that you are sorry and encourage them.

Paul tells the Colossian's to "walk in Christ" and he is instructing us to do the same. Walking in Christ begins with our heart and examining the contents. There is not room for Him if it is filled with pride, self righteousness, anger, and sin. Begin cleansing your heart of these things and look to the Creator of the universe to fill it with loving kindness, humility, integrity, patience, and love. He longs for us to walk in righteousness and will equip us to do just that.

Thank you God for seeking me out. Thank you for your everlasting love and forgiveness of sins. Lord, search my heart today and show me anything unclean and hurtful. Lead me down the path of holiness today so I can be pleasing to you and to those I come into contact with today.

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